43 research outputs found

    Measurement of nonlinear refractive index of organic materials by z-scan

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    The nonlinear effects characterization by using the Z-Scan transmission technique in many materials has generated great in forest according to the technological necessities. The majority part of the nonlinear effects can be described by the classic electromagnetic theory, with the electrical susceptibility in the constitutive equation that relates the electrical polarization with the electrical field. In this work the sign and refractive index magnitude and the nonlinear absorption coefficient of the following organic substance were determined: methylene-blue, rodamine LD, vegetable powder and gentian violet a hundred percent pure dissolved in isopropyl alcohol, a laser Nd: YAG was used as a source excitation. The bunch of laser was focused with a lens of ten centimeters of focal length; by using a displacement system the sweeping of twenty centimeters was realized. The following results of the normalized curves of the transmittance in function of the z position were obtained applying the Sheik- Bahae theory: The nonlinear refractive index of the dye shows an increase in function of its concentration and the power of exciting of the laser with negative nonlinear sign in the majority of the sample

    Programa de intervención temprana en niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista verbales con el apoyo de robots sociales en el ámbito clínico

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    El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo cuyo inicio se remonta a la infancia, afectando principalmente a la comunicación social y a la conducta, además de la presencia de comportamientos e intereses repetitivos y restringidos. Por ello, una intervención temprana es indispensable para un adecuado desarrollo personal y social. En este trabajo se elabora un programa de intervención temprana para niños y niñas entre 6 y 10 años, mediante el uso de los robots sociales como parte de la terapia. Los objetivos fundamentales serán conseguir una mejora en la comprensión y expresión de emociones, en la comunicación social y en la teoría de la mente. Finalmente, para comprobar si el programa de intervención es eficaz y eficiente, se propone su evaluación antes, durante y después de todo el proceso para adaptarlo y modificarlo siempre que sea necesarioAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder whose onset dates back to childhood, mainly affecting social communication and behavior, in addition to the presence of repetitive and restricted behaviors and interests. Therefore, early intervention is essential for adequate personal and social development. In this project an early intervention program is developed for children between 6 and 10 years old, through the use of social robots as part of therapy. The fundamental objectives will be to achieve an improvement in the understanding and expression of emotions, in social communication and in the theory of mind. Finally, to check if the intervention program is effective and efficient, it is proposed to evaluate it before, during and after the entire process in order to adapt and modify it whenever necessary

    On the hardware implementation of the arithmetic elements of the pairwise orthogonal transform

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    The pairwise orthogonal transform (POT) is an attractive alternative to the Kahrunen-Loève transform for spectral decorrelation in on-board multispectral and hyperspectral image compression due to its reduced complexity. This work validates that the low complexity of the POT makes it feasible for a space-qualified field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation. A register transfer level description of the arithmetic elements of the POT is provided with the aim of achieving a low occupancy of resources and making it possible to synthesize the design on a space-qualified RTAX2000S and RTAX2000S-DSP. In order to accomplish these goals, the operations of the POT are fine-tuned such that their implementation footprint is minimized while providing equivalent coding performance. The most computationally demanding operations are solved by means of a lookup table. An additional contribution of this paper is a bit-exact description of the mathematical equations that are part of the transform, defined in such a way that they can be solved with integer arithmetic and implementations that can be easily cross-validated. Experimental results are presented, showing that it is feasible to implement the components of the POT on the mentioned FPGA

    Quality of Life in Oncological Patients with Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: Validity and Reliability of the Dutch Version of the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory and the Deglutition Handicap Index

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    Quality of life is an important outcome measurement in objectifying the current health status or therapy effects in patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. In this study, the validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the Deglutition Handicap Index (DHI) and the MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI) have been determined for oncological patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia. At Maastricht University Medical Center, 76 consecutive patients were selected and asked to fill in three questionnaires on quality of life related to oropharyngeal dysphagia (the SWAL-QOL, the MDADI, and the DHI) as well as a simple one-item visual analog Dysphagia Severity Scale. None of the quality-of-life questionnaires showed any floor or ceiling effect. The test-retest reliability of the MDADI and the Dysphagia Severity Scale proved to be good. The test-retest reliability of the DHI could not be determined because of insufficient data, but the intraclass correlation coefficients were rather high. The internal consistency proved to be good. However, confirmatory factor analysis could not distinguish the underlying constructs as defined by the subscales per questionnaire. When assessing criterion validity, both the MDADI and the DHI showed satisfactory associations with the SWAL-QOL (reference or gold standard) after having removed the less relevant subscales of the SWAL-QOL. In conclusion, when assessing the validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the DHI or the MDADI, not all psychometric properties have been adequately met. In general, because of difficulties in the interpretation of study results when using questionnaires lacking sufficient psychometric quality, it is recommended that researchers strive to use questionnaires with the most optimal psychometric properties

    The effect of perceived discrimination on the health of immigrant workers in Spain

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    Background: Discrimination is an important determinant of health inequalities, and immigrants may be more vulnerable to certain types of discrimination than the native-born. This study analyses the relationship between immigrants' perceived discrimination and various self-reported health indicators. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted (2008) amongst a non-random sample of 2434 immigrants from Ecuador, Morocco, Romania and Colombia in four Spanish cities: Barcelona, Huelva, Madrid and Valencia. A factorial analysis of variables revealed three dimensions of perceived discrimination (due to immigrant status, due to physical appearance, and workplace-related). The association of these dimensions with self-rated health, mental health (GHQ-12), change in self-rated health between origin and host country, and other self-reported health outcomes was analysed. Logistic regression was used adjusting for potential confounders (aOR-95%CI). Subjects with worsening self-reported health status potentially attributable to perceived discrimination was estimated (population attributable proportion, PAP %). Results: 73.3% of men and 69.3% of women immigrants reported discrimination due to immigrant status. Moroccans showed the highest prevalence of perceived discrimination. Immigrants reporting discrimination were at significantly higher risk of reporting health problems than those not reporting discrimination. Workplace-related discrimination was associated with poor mental health (aOR 2.97 95%CI 2.45-3.60), and the worsening of self-rated health (aOR 2.20 95%CI 1.73- 2.80). 40% (95% CI 24-53) PAP of those reporting worse self-rated health could be attributable to discrimination due to immigrant status. Conclusions: Discrimination may constitute a risk factor for health in immigrant workers in Spain and could explain some health inequalities among immigrant populations in Spanish society.This work was supported by the following sources: Carolina Foundation (Spain), Healthcare Research Fund of the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumption (references PI050497, PI052202, PI052334, PI061701, and PI0790470

    Determinants of preventable readmissions in the United States: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hospital readmissions are a leading topic of healthcare policy and practice reform because they are common, costly, and potentially avoidable events. Hospitals face the prospect of reduced or eliminated reimbursement for an increasing number of preventable readmissions under nationwide cost savings and quality improvement efforts. To meet the current changes and future expectations, organizations are looking for potential strategies to reduce readmissions. We undertook a systematic review of the literature to determine what factors are associated with preventable readmissions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a review of the English language medicine, health, and health services research literature (2000 to 2009) for research studies dealing with unplanned, avoidable, preventable, or early readmissions. Each of these modifying terms was included in keyword searches of readmissions or rehospitalizations in Medline, ISI, CINAHL, The Cochrane Library, ProQuest Health Management, and PAIS International. Results were limited to US adult populations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The review included 37 studies with significant variation in index conditions, readmitting conditions, timeframe, and terminology. Studies of cardiovascular-related readmissions were most common, followed by all cause readmissions, other surgical procedures, and other specific-conditions. Patient-level indicators of general ill health or complexity were the commonly identified risk factors. While more than one study demonstrated preventable readmissions vary by hospital, identification of many specific organizational level characteristics was lacking.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The current literature on preventable readmissions in the US contains evidence from a variety of patient populations, geographical locations, healthcare settings, study designs, clinical and theoretical perspectives, and conditions. However, definitional variations, clear gaps, and methodological challenges limit translation of this literature into guidance for the operation and management of healthcare organizations. We recommend that those organizations that propose to reward reductions in preventable readmissions invest in additional research across multiple hospitals in order to fill this serious gap in knowledge of great potential value to payers, providers, and patients.</p

    Prevalence of disability in a composite ≥75 year-old population in Spain: A screening survey based on the International Classification of Functioning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence and predictors of functional status and disability of elderly people have been studied in several European countries including Spain. However, there has been no population-based study incorporating the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework as the basis for assessing disability. The present study reports prevalence rates for mild, moderate, and severe/extreme disability by the domains of activities and participation of the ICF.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Nine populations surveyed in previous prevalence studies contributed probabilistic and geographically defined samples in June 2005. The study sample was composed of 503 subjects aged ≥75 years. We implemented a two-phase screening design using the MMSE and the World Health Organization-Disability Assessment Schedule 2<sup>nd </sup>edition (WHO-DAS II, 12 items) as cognitive and disability screening tools, respectively. Participants scoring within the positive range of the disability screening were administered the full WHO-DAS II (36 items; score range: 0-100) assessing the following areas: Understanding and communication, Getting along with people, Life activities, Getting around, Participation in society, and Self-care. Each disability area assessed by WHO-DAS II (36 items) was reported according to the ICF severity ranges (No problem, 0-4; Mild disability, 5-24; Moderate disability, 25-49; Severe/Extreme disability, 50-100).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The age-adjusted disability prevalence figures were: 39.17 ± 2.18%, 15.31 ± 1.61%, and 10.14 ± 1.35% for mild, moderate, and severe/extreme disability, respectively. Severe and extreme disability prevalence in mobility and life activities was three times higher than the average, and highest among women. Sex variations were minimal, although life activities for women of 85 years and over had more severe/extreme disability as compared to men (OR = 5.15 95% CI 3.19-8.32).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Disability is highly prevalent among the Spanish elderly. Sex- and age-specific variations of disability are associated with particular disability domains.</p

    Improvement of the control system of a 16v marine diesel engine

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    En este trabajo se plantea la mejora del sistema de control de un motor diésel marino de 16V. Se centra en la descripción del actual sistema de control y en la sustitución de los nuevos componentes y en su adaptación al motor. Debido al desgaste de los componentes electrónicos y que el fabricante ha dejado de ofrecer soporte técnico de la actual versión de los controladores, es necesaria la sustitución de algunos componentes del sistema de control para mejorar el rendimiento del motor y la fiabilidad. En este caso, la mejora radica esencialmente en el cambio, en primer lugar, de los controladores principales, que son el centro de las comunicaciones y las funciones programadas del motor y, en segundo lugar, en el cambio del controlador de inyección electrónica y los módulos de control de bancos, que comandan las solenoides de cada bomba de inyección del motor. Con esta mejora se pretende conseguir un sistema de propulsión con mejor rendimiento, reduciendo al mínimo los fallos de funcionamiento procedentes de la electrónica, reducir consumos de combustible, disminuir emisiones y hacer el trabajo del operador de máquinas más sencillaABSTRACT: In this work the improvement of the control system of a 16V marine diesel engine is proposed. It focuses on the description of the current control system and on the replacement of the new components and their adaptation to the engine. Due to the wear of the electronic components and the fact that the manufacturer has stopped offering technical support for the current version of the controllers, it is necessary to replace some components of the control system to improve engine performance and reliability. In this case, the improvement essentially lies in the change, firstly, of the main controllers, which are the center of the communications and the programmed functions of the engine, and, secondly, in the change of the electronic injection controller and the bank control modules, which control the solenoids of each injection pump in the engine. This improvement is intended to achieve a propulsion system with better performance, minimizing malfunctions from electronics, reducing fuel consumption, reducing emissions and making the machine operator's job easierMáster en Ingeniería Marin

    Medición del índice de refracción no lineal de materiales orgánicos mediante z-scan

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    The nonlinear effects characterization by using the Z-Scan transmission technique in many materials has generated great in forest according to the technological necessities. The majority part of the nonlinear effects can be described by the classic electromagnetic theory, with the electrical susceptibility in the constitutive equation that relates the electrical polarization with the electrical field. In this work the sign and refractive index magnitude and the nonlinear absorption coefficient of the following organic substance were determined: methylene-blue, rodamine LD, vegetable powder and gentian violet a hundred percent pure dissolved in isopropyl alcohol, a laser Nd: YAG was used as a source excitation. The bunch of laser was focused with a lens of ten centimeters of focal length; by using a displacement system the sweeping of twenty centimeters was realized. The following results of the normalized curves of the transmittance in function of the z position were obtained applying the Sheik- Bahae theory: The nonlinear refractive index of the dye shows an increase in function of its concentration and the power of exciting of the laser with negative nonlinear sign in the majority of the sample.La caracterización de los efectos no lineales mediante el uso de la técnica de transmisión Z-Scan en muchos materiales ha generado excelentes en los bosques de acuerdo con las necesidades tecnológicas. La mayoría de los efectos no lineales pueden describirse mediante la teoría electromagnética clásica, con la susceptibilidad eléctrica en la ecuación constitutiva que relaciona la polarización eléctrica con el campo eléctrico. En este trabajo se determinaron la magnitud del signo y del índice de refracción y el coeficiente de absorción no lineal de la siguiente sustancia orgánica: azul de metileno, LD de rodamina, polvo vegetal y violeta de genciana cien por cien pura disuelta en alcohol isopropílico, se utilizó un láser Nd: YAG Como fuente de excitación. El grupo de láser se enfocó con una lente de diez centímetros de distancia focal; Mediante el uso de un sistema de desplazamiento se realizó el barrido de veinte centímetros. Los siguientes resultados de las curvas normalizadas de la transmitancia en función de la posición z se obtuvieron aplicando la teoría de Sheik-Bahae: El índice de refracción no lineal del tinte muestra un aumento en la función de su concentración y la capacidad de excitación del láser con negativo Signo no lineal en la mayoría de la muestra